God’s in the House

Each day at both Holiday Club and Night Shift we’ve heard people’s personal stories of their journey with Jesus. In the morning it’s usually fairly short, about 5 minutes, and in the evening a longer account.

I’ve really enjoyed hearing people share their stories of faith – how they met Jesus, what it was like growing up knowing him or not knowing him, how he has guided them in life and some of the decisions they have made. We’ve heard from a variety of people, from current students to folks who left school “a few years ago” shall we say.

Speakers have been both British and American, bears witness to the fact we love and serve the same God all over the world. Indeed Callum, one of the age group leaders is about to travel to Cambodia for a month to serve the community there with Tear Fund, a British organization that both builds relationships and communities in the name of Jesus all over the world.

As we hear these stories of faith, please pray that they sink in and have an impact on our young people as they, and we, continue to walk and grow in our faith journeys.


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